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“My values include openly sharing knowledge and learning from the process of giving back and paying things forward,” says Kareim M. Abbouda, Founder and Executive Director at Kinsey McAllen and Chief Strategist at ZenBillions.com. “I knew that volunteering with Rise would be the best platform for me, given its support system geared towards clients and volunteers.” 

Kareim has been volunteering with Rise since 2016 and has worked with clients from both the lending and training programs. He says his approach to mentorship is to be an active listener and help entrepreneurs work through their business challenges holistically.  

As an example, Kareim says that with one mentee, helping them see the connection between their personal well-being and their professional progress was an important support.  

“For example, we uncovered intricate issues relating to their cash flow and how discrepancies in a positive inflow may affect their ability to withstand personal emergencies … Ensuring they understood and felt right about taking only measured risk, meant that they would be better prepared.” 

To anyone contemplating volunteering with Rise, Kareim says that what you give, you get back in spades. 

“Be prepared to be amazed by your own ability to grow and by your accelerated learning. Your involvement with Rise will uncover new possibilities in your own life and business that you may not have even thought of.” 

By distilling your own values and experience to support others, and by helping them delve into their unique challenges, Kareim says that, as a mentor, you will go on a journey of exploration and discovery that is rare and exceptional.  

“That, in my opinion, is the value of being a mentor at Rise.”